Because the world is not flat

Pop Up Invite for a Masquerade Ball Party

This colorful pop up invite is created to surprise the mother of our client on her 60th birthday. Working closely with the daughter on the design of the invite, the Pop Up Occasions Team felt the happiness and the feeling of gratitude her children have for the mother. The vibrant colors of the 3D pop up invite and the masquerade theme of the party say it all.

If you have a unique and personalized pop up card concept in mind, email  We’re always happy to be part of your joyous preparation.

Client Recommendations

"The invites arrived today and they r ----------> Amazing
I'm very impressed with ur work and service
You were fantastic and great to deal with
We appreciate all ur help
And thank you greatly"
Marian & Chris, Australia

"Opened your invites today. Superb indeed, very beautiful it exceeded our expectation;-) in fact, excited to give them out! Can't wait for relatives and friends to open and get awed by your marvelous creativity...I will definitely refer you and put good words of mouth for Pop Up Occasions."
Jean, Philippines

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